Aries Health Horoscope 2017

Aries Health Horoscope 2017

Health needs more attention this year. Three long-term plans are in stressful alignment with you for most of the year. Jupiter moves away from this stressful aspect on October 11, but Saturn will come into stressful alignment on December 21.

The problem this year is that your 6th house of health is empty for the most part; only short-term planets will move through there. Your tendency would thus be to ignore health issues – and if not to totally ignore them, not to give health the attention that is needed. You will have to force yourself to pay more attention here.

Our regular readers know that there is much that can be done to enhance the health and prevent problems from developing (or getting worse). Give more attention to the following vulnerable areas:

• The heart. The heart has become important in recent years, and will become even more important after December 21 when Saturn moves into a stressful alignment with you. Spiritual healers seem to agree that heart problems are caused by undue worry and anxiety. So more faith and confidence is needed.

• The lungs, arms, shoulders and respiratory system. These are always important for you. Aries. Mercury, the ruler of these areas is your health planet. Regular arm and shoulder massage are a powerful therapy. Give the wrists and elbows more support when exercising.

• The head, face and scalp. These two are always important for you. Incorporate regular scalp and face massage into your health regime. This will not only strengthen these immediate areas but the entire body as well. Reflexes in the scalp and face affect every organ and system of the body. Craniometric therapy is. In general, good therapy for Aries the plates in the skull are moveable and need to be kept in the right alignment.

• The adrenals are another important area for you. The important thing here is to avoid anger and fear, the two emotions that stress the adrenals.

• The musculature. For you, Aries, more than most, good health means physical fitness (and not just ‘no Symptoms’). A weak muscle can knock the spine and skeleton out of alignment and this will cause all kinds of other problems. So regular physical exercise is important for you. A health tonic. A day at the gym will, in many cases, do you more good than a visit to the doctor.

After all these years of our regular readers surely know that Mercury, your health planet, is very fast moving. Only the Moon moves faster than him. In a given year, he will move through all the signs and houses of your Horoscope. So there are many short-term health trends and remedies that are best discussed in the monthly reports.

Mercury will travel backwards four times this year, which is highly unusual. Generally he is only retrograde three times. (This was the case last year too). It is not advisable to make dramatic changes to the diet or health regime during these periods: January 1–8, April 9 to May 3, August 11 to September 5 and December 3–23.

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