Aquarius Love Horoscope 2017

There’s a lot of change and drama happening in love this year. The end result, though, should be happy.

The tumult is caused by three eclipses, which affect the life and social life. That’s a lot of eclipse energy! Every Solar Eclipse test loves, since the Sun, the eclipsed planet, is all your lovely planet. But the Solar Eclipse of August 21 is unusually severe as it is present in your 7th house of love. The other Solar Eclipse – on February 26 – will also test love, as well as finances. This year a Lunar Eclipse on February 11 also tests love. Generally such eclipses do not, but this one takes place in your 7th house.

If your current relationship is fundamentally sound, it should survive all this pounding. Repressed grievances will surface, and you and the beloved will take such necessary corrections. Nonetheless, if the relationship is lukewarm – so-so – it is in danger.

Eclipses in the 7th house is not always ‘bad’. They show a change in the marital or relationship status. In some cases, the ongoing relationship will improve – a change in status. In other cases, singles choose to marry. The marriage might be permitted to happen right away, but the inner decision is made.

The North Node of the Moon will enter your 7th house of love on April 29. This is considered good. It shows fulfilment in love. Often it shows ‘excess’. This can deal with hyperactive social life or, in the case of singles, ‘excess’ love opportunities. Access can be a problem, but it’s certainly better than a deficiency.

Your love planet, the Sun, is a fast-moving planet. In any given year, he will move through your entire Horoscope. Not only will he be placed in different sectors of your chart from month to month but he will make and receive all kinds of aspects in his travels. So, there are numerous short-term love trends, depending on where the Sun takes place at (and the kinds of aspects he receives). These are best examined in the monthly reports.

Aquarians love friendships and group activities naturally. No one is better at this than you, Aquarius. This year, as we mentioned, you’re being more selective about this. You seem to have numerous, many friends and acquaintances. Now (and this has continued for some years) it’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff – the true friends from the lukewarm ones. Better fewer friends, but good ones, than hosts of lukewarm ones. This is the feeling these days.

Saturn, your spiritual planet, is in your 11th house of friends. Thus you’re making mystical kinds of friends. You’re more involved with psychic and altruistic groups than secular ones. Spiritual compatibility is an important factor in friendship these days. You need friends who are favourable to your spiritual path and ideals.

Aquarius Horoscope 2017

Aquarius Health Horoscope 2017

Aquarius Home and Family Horoscope 2017

Aquarius Finance and Career Horoscope 2017

Aquarius Self-improvement Horoscope 2017