Saturn will join Pluto in your 12th house of spirituality on December 21. This will do your 12th house of the strongest, on a long-term basis, of any of the houses. Spirituality has been prominent for many years – Pluto has been in this house since 2008 – but come December 21 (and for the next two years) it is even more blatant. More on this later.
Pluto is your career planet. His position in your 12th house shows the need for an idealistic ‘spiritually correct’ career. Just being successful and making, money is not enough for you. More details later.
Neptune has been put into your money house since 2012. This is a very good financial position. He thinks it is in his own sign and house and power on your behalf. You’re going deeper into ‘spiritual economics’ these days. More on this later.
Jupiter moved into your 9th house in September 2016, are able to be there until October 11. This is a very safe transit for college students; it shows success in their studies. It is equally wonderful for those applying to college. There will be good fortune – best-case scenarios. Non students will travel more in the year ahead.
On October 11, Jupiter will cross your Mid-heaven and enter your 10th house. This shows career success – elevation, promotion and perhaps honours and recognition. Most of the year ahead are simply preparation for this. More details later.
Your areas of greatest interest this year are finance; communication and intellectual interests; religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (until October 10); career (from October 11 onwards); friends, groups, group and online activities; and spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are sex, personal transformation and re-invention, and occult studies (until April 29); love, romance and social activities (from April 29 onwards); religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (until October 10); and career (from October 11 onwards).