You should enjoy this lull. Savour it. Boring is sometimes beautiful. Next year and in the ensuing years there will be never-ending change and disruption in the family circle. Some of you – the more tricky ones – are truly starting to feel this already.
Venus is your family planet. She is, as our regular readers know, a fast-moving planet. During the course of a year, she will move through all the signs and houses of your chart is capable of being subject to all kinds of aspects – some harmonious, some discordant. These short-term trends are best dealt within the monthly reports.
Venus will make one of her rare (once in two years) retrogrades, from March 4 to April 15. This ceases to be a time to make essential home or family decisions or to buy expensive items for the home. (You might be tempted, but don’t go with it.) This is a time of review. A time to figure out where improvements can be achieved. A time to gain clarity on the actual situation (which might not be as you think). When Venus moves forward, you’ll be in a position to move forward with confidence.
Both the parents, or parent figures in your life, are having spiritual kinds of years. Abundant internal growth is happening. One of them is prospers from October 11 onwards. He or she might not walk away, but will be travelling more than usual. Another parent or parent figure will have an excellent social kind of year. If he or she is single, romance could happen. A move is not likely, though there are various kinds of family crises happening.
Siblings and sibling figures are restless and probably living in diverse places for extended periods, but a formal move is not likely.
Children and children figures are having a stable kind of family year. Grandchildren (if you have them) are such as to move after October 11. (Their personal rooms or living spaces can be expanded as well.)
If you’re planning renovations or major repairs, March 10 to April 21 would be a considerable time. If you’re redecorating and beautifying the home on a more cosmetic kind of level, April 19 to May 20 and June 6 to July 4 is good times.