There’s a lot of good fiscal news this year. The year ahead should be more prosperous than last year. You will really start to feel the ‘shift’ from April 29, as the Moon’s South Node moves out of your money house. The South Node sets up a feeling of ‘deficiency’ – back. No matter how much one has, one still feels ‘deficient’. The prosperity shift increases further from October 11 onwards, as Jupiter now begins to make pleasing aspects to Neptune. Then, towards the end of the year, Saturn will get away from his stressful aspect. We get an idea of continual improvement as the year progresses. Prosperity happens well into 2018.
Saturn is on your spiritual planet. Neptune is the generic spiritual planet. These two heavenly planets are in conflict with each other (this has gone on for two years now). Thus two spiritual attitudes – both worthy in themselves – are inhibiting earnings. One attitude is ‘practical’ – an idealistic kind of workaday. One should be business-like in one’s giving. One should be systematic about it. Orderly. The other is a more transcendental perspective, which counsels: ‘no matter the rules of the earth, follow only the spirit. Sell all that you have and give it to the poor.’ This kind of collision often manifests through others. Two respected spiritual leaders in your life disagree about the role of money – and you’re stuck in the middle.
You’ve been charitable and philanthropic for some years now, and in the past few years even more so. Probably you’re involved in ‘sacrificial’ bestowing and this seems to be stress the finances. Giving should be ‘proportional’ to income.
Neptune as your financial planet shows an affinity for industries involving water – water utilities, water bottlers and purifying companies, the fishing industry, shipping and shipbuilders. It would also favour oil, natural gas, retirement homes, hospices and companies that make mood enhancers and anaesthetics. This has been happening for some years now is able to be in effect for many more years. (Neptune is a very slow-moving planet – only Pluto is slower than him.)
A Solar Eclipse on February 26 occurs in your money house and will force dramatic changes. These will develop over the long haul, but can feel stressful while they’re happening. (There’s much insecurity about it.)
Career will also serve as super this year, as we mentioned. Jupiter crosses your Mid-heaven on October 11 and types your 10th house. So, you are brought up in your profession or company. Pay raises and promotions are likely. Friends are also succeeding and they seem helpful – they open doors for you. Your technological expertise appears to be very important in the career.
Your career planet, Pluto, has been in your mystical 12th house since 2008 – numerous years now. Thus, whatever your outer career is, being involved in altruistic activities will enhance the career. These things are good in their own right, but have functional consequences – you make vital connections that you never would have made otherwise.