There is good news here too. Your 6th house of health is prominent this year, which indicates that you are paying attention and that you are focused here. The real danger would be if you ignored things.
There is more good news. There’s much you can do to enhance the health and prevent problems from happening. And even if they can’t be totally prevented, they can be softened to a great extent. Problems need not be devastating.
In your Horoscope the following are the areas that need more attention:
• The heart. This is usually not an issue with you, but in the past few years it has become one. It is good to develop a firm faith, a faith that out-powers worry and anxiety, the two emotions that stress the heart.
• The stomach (and the breasts, for women). This is always an important area for a Cancerian – diet is always an issue. As we have written for many years, how you eat is perhaps just as important as what you eat. The authorities are not in agreement as to what is healthy or unhealthy, so you need to find what’s right for you. But the act of eating should be elevated to something sacred. Meals should be taken in a calm and relaxed way. If possible, soothing music should be playing in the background. Grace should be said (in your own words) before and after meals and food should be blessed (in your own words). This will elevate the energy vibrations of both the food and the digestive system.
• The liver and thighs are also always important for you. Jupiter, the planet that rules these areas, is your health planet. The thighs should be regularly massaged, which will not only strengthen the thighs and the liver but the lower back as well – and this is important this year. an herbal liver cleanse, periodically, would be good. Liver action seems more sluggish this year.
• The kidneys and hips. These have only recently become an issue. Regular hip massage should be part of your daily regime. If you feel under the weather an herbal kidney cleanse would be helpful.
• The spine, knees, teeth, bones, skin and overall skeletal alignment. These have become important in the past couple of years. Regular back and knee massage would be beneficial, as there are all kinds of reflex points along the spine that strengthens the whole body – including the stomach, liver and kidneys. Regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath would be a good idea. The vertebrae and skeleton need to be kept in alignment. Give the knees more support when exercising. Regular dental check-ups are always recommended.
• The gall bladder.
• The colon, bladder and sexual organs. These will require some attention after October 11 as your health planet moves into Scorpio. Safe sex and sexual moderation will become important.
Your health planet Jupiter spends most of the year in Libra, your 4th house. This gives many messages. Libra is about love and relationships. Thus problems in the marriage or with friends could impact on your physical health. If problems arise, harmony needs to be restored as quickly as possible. Keep the peace. Keep the moods positive and constructive.
With these practices, you should get through the year with minimum problems.