This situation – this lull – is only temporary. Enjoy the quiet. Next year Uranus will start his move into your 7th house and by 2019 will be set up there for the long haul. This is the place where the excitement begins. There will be a dull moment in love for seven more years. The whole communal life will undergo dramatic change. We will cover this more fully next year.
Venus, your love planet, is a fast-moving planet. In a given year, she will move through every sector of your chart. Only the Moon and Mercury move faster than her. So, love, romantic and social opportunities can be organized in many ways and through many people – depending on where Venus is at a given time and the aspects she receives. Also, it shows that you’re a person who's needs to love to alter quickly. Those involved romantically with a Scorpio need to understand this. They are not being ‘fickle’. They are simply responding to Venus’s different moves. These short-term trends are best dealt within the monthly reports.
Your love planet will make one of her rare retrogrades this year. She is the leader once every two years (all the other planets that retrograde, with the exception of Mars, regularly retrograde every year – and Mercury goes backwards four times this year). So a Venus retrograde is a headline. She will be retrograde from March 4 to April 15. This is a time for a romantic review. The romantic life will tend to be slow down; relationships can seem to go backwards. None of this should have to be done too seriously. It is a pause – a regrouping – a space where clarity can be made. Don’t make important love decisions during that period.
Venus will spend a lot of time in Aries this year – over three months, triple her usual time in a sign. Thus there are lovely opportunities at the workplace, with co-workers or with people engaged in your health.
Your 11th house of friendships seems happy. The Moon’s North Node will form part of this house until April 29. This indicates excess. Perhaps your problem is already too many friends. But this is a good problem to have.