This is good news for those of you with pre-existing conditions. They should ease up this year and not be so troublesome. In many cases, there will be actual healing. Perhaps some health professional, or therapy, or medication, or supplement will get the credit, but the truth is that the cosmic energy was supporting you.
Good though your health is, power in your 6th house indicates that there is great focus here. Perhaps you are overly focused – more than you need to be. You could be so focused that every little twinge or ache gets magnified beyond proportion. Most likely there is nothing to these things. (The Moon could be in the wrong place at the time; when she moves away, the ache disappears.)
Your health is good, although you can make it even better. Give more attention to the following – the vulnerable areas in your chart:
• The colon, bladder and sexual organs. These are always important for a Scorpio. It is important to keep the colon cleans. Herbal colonics are generally good for you. Safe sex and sexual moderation are also important. (Scorpio tends to overdo this area.)
• The head, face and scalp. These are also always important for you. These areas should be regularly massaged. This will not only strengthen these areas but the whole body too. There are reflexes in these areas that help the whole body. Craniometric therapy is generally good therapy for Scorpio.
• The musculature. Muscles need to be kept in tone. A weak muscle can knock the spine and skeleton out of alignment and this will cause hosts of other problems. Vigorous physical exercise (according to your age and stage in life) is important.
• The adrenals. Again, very important for you, Scorpio. Avoid anger and fear – the two emotions that stress the adrenal glands.
• The ankles and calves. These have only become important since 2011. Both areas should be regularly massaged as part of your normal health regime. Give the ankles more support when exercising.
Uranus in your 6th house shows an affinity for alternative rather than orthodox medicine. But the new cutting-edge technologies in orthodox medicine could be alluring. You love what is new and trendy.
There are many short-term trends in health. Mars, your health planet, moves fairly quickly. He changes signs and houses approximately every 45 days. These trends are best covered in the monthly reports.