The important thing with a long-term struggle is to not make things worse than they need to be. Tried your best to keep negativity to the minimum. There will be negativity – there are personal and financial disagreements these days – the issue is, how want to take care of. There are no rules about this, only the principle of minimum negativity. Each will be followed in their own approach.
Financial disagreements should resolve themselves after October 11. Nonetheless, the respective issues still remain. It will take much effort to maintain some semblance of harmony here.
Your health is appropriate this year as we mentioned. Nevertheless, family or emotional discord could affect it adversely. So maintaining as much harmony as possible is actually a health issue. (If health problems arise (God forbid), restore harmony as quickly as possible.)
Your family planet Uranus has been in your 6th house of health since 2011, and many of the trends we’ve written about in previous years are still very much in effect. You’re installing health equipment – health gadgets – in the home. You’re putting a stop to any kind of toxic materials in the home (and probably spending on this). The health of your family is an essential priority. The home is becoming a health spa as much as a home.
Your family planet in the 6th house also indicates someone who is used in the home. So home offices and perhaps, home-based businesses are established or being expanded. Family members could also be your employees (which is another complication in your relationship).
With Uranus as your family planet you’re someone who always wants to upgrade the home continually. You like the modern, high-tech look. Your home is probably filled with gadgets – and when new products come on the market you’re one of the first to get them. You are inclined to move a lot. This year though, a move doesn’t seem likely; 2018 is a more likely year for this.
Siblings and sibling figures are also experiencing family instability. A move through is little likely this year. (There’s nothing against it however.) A parent or parent figure can move from October 11 onwards – there is good fortune in the purchase or sale of a home. Children and children figures in your life are having stable family years. Grandchildren (if you have them) are likely to move after October 11.
If you’re planning to redecorate or to buy decorative objects for the home, January 29 to February 18 is a big time. If you’re planning construction work or major repairs in the home, January 28 to March 10 is a big time for this.