Prospects for the Dragon in 2017
The Year of the Monkey (8 February 2016–27 January 2017) will have been a curious one for the Dragon and while he will have set about his activities with characteristic verve. His results could have been mixed. In some cases support may have been lacking and in other instances he may have placed in a lot of effort but had little to prove in return. Monkey years, while on the surface abuzz with activity, can be tricky ones.In the remaining months of this Monkey year, the Dragon will need to stay watchful and co-operative. While he may like to address his own decisions, he should liaise with those around him and discuss plans and arrangements. Being too single-minded could deny him some good opportunities. Dragons, take note.
At work, increasing pressures could exasperate the Dragon and make some duties difficult. However, such situations can display his skills and resourcefulness and help his prospects. Often what is accomplished now can prepare him for the opportunities arising in 2017.
The closing months of the year are invariably expensive and ideally the Dragon should make early provision for the extra outlay and more substantial purchases. He should also attend to paperwork carefully.
The Monkey year can, though, lead to some lively times and there will be domestic and social occasions to enjoy. September, December and early January can be especially active, although, with a lot happening, it is again important that the Dragon communicates well with others and makes plans in advance.
For Dragons enjoying romance, as well as those who are unattached, affairs of the heart may also add some sparkle to the latter part of the year. Monkey years, despite their tribulations, are in a position to pleasant surprises and the end of year will often bring some special times.
The Year of the Rooster starts on 28 January and is a very encouraging one for the Dragon. He can make good headway and, being born under the sign of luck, could benefit from some fortuitous developments. Any Dragons who is nursing disappointment or feeling frustrated by their present situation will find the Rooster year can bring a fresh outlook.
The aspects are especially encouraging for the Dragon’s work situation. Often as a result of the skills he has recently demonstrated, he may now be invited to take on greater responsibilities and make more of his strengths. He could be located in a position when promotion opportunities occur and make impressive progress over the year.
Dragons who are particularly keen to move to something else will also find that advances can move swiftly. In some instances colleagues and friends may be helpful in alerting them to openings in and/or giving them ideas to consider. The Rooster year can bring interesting opportunities and many of these Dragons will feel more energized than they do in some time.
Dragons seeking work should keep informing of developments in their area. An existing employer may be expanding or new companies recruiting, and the Dragon’s initiative and personal qualities may result in many a prospective employer being interested in what he just has to offer. March, May, September and November could see encouraging advances.
Another positive feature of the year will be like the Dragon can further his professional skills. Often training will be available at his place of work, but if he feels another skill or qualification would help his prospects or there is an issue that appeals to him, he should set time aside for personal study. Professional development is an area all Dragons should think carefully this year.
The encouraging aspects also apply to the Dragon’s personal interests. Inspired by his peculiar ideas and often encouraged by others. He can derive considerable pleasure from them this year. Dragons whose busy lifestyle has led to peculiar interests being set aside should consider starting something fresh. This can inject an enjoyable element into their lifestyle.
In money matters, advance made at work can result in a rise in income and some Dragons could also receive a bonus payment or sum which is overdue. To fully benefit the Dragon should watch his spending and budget for key requirements, but with sound financial management he can proceed with many of his plans. In particular, new entertainment and media devices could be appealing.
Dragon should also make provision for travel this year. He may enjoy the chance to see the sights he has long wanted to know. Some Dragons will also take advantage of last-minute offers and invitations to visit people living some distance away. Travel-wise, the Rooster year will satisfy the adventurous nature of sundry a Dragon.
However, while the aspects are generally encouraging, the Rooster year also has its more cautionary elements. In exacting the Dragon will have to be attentive to those around him. If he becomes too preoccupied by his subjective activities, strains and tensions may arise. Pressures and tiredness could also lead to disagreements and this does not represent a year to take feelings for granted or make assumptions. Dragons, take note. Without care and attention you may find the Rooster year putting certain relationships to the test, but by being aware and giving your time, you will see some relationships strengthened.
Regardless of the fact that this is a year for increased mindfulness of others, it will not be without its social opportunities and the Dragon can look forward to receiving some lively occasions. April, June, August and October could be harried and interesting and see good connections being forged, but where romance is worried, care and time are advised. Different relationships should need to be based up steadily (and often potentially successfully) rather than hurried.
The Dragon should also ensure work and other commitments do not impinge on his home life. At times he may find it hard to balance his hectic lifestyle, but preserving time to share with his loved ones can make an essential difference. In addition, plans, purchases and travel can all add pleasure to the year. Rooster years may require extra attention to fundamental relationships, but there will still get a lot happening in this one and a lot of value.
Overall, the Year of the Rooster is a strategic one for the Dragon. At work, there will often be the opportunity to learn new skills and take on interesting duties. Finances can also see improvement, and carefully considered plans and purchases (including travel) will bring pleasure. The Dragon will, though, needs to take care in his relations with others and devotes time to those who are superior to him. Preoccupation, inattention and indiscretion could all rebound on him. Provided he takes note of these cautionary aspects, however, he is seen in doing well this year.
The Metal Dragon
This will be a year of considerable possibility for the Metal Dragon and by setting about his activities with his customary resolve, he can look forward to receiving receiving accomplishing a great deal.
For the Metal Dragon born in 2000, this can be an especially stimulating year. As they progress in their education, these Metal Dragons will be able to put their newly acquired knowledge to greater use. They can make significant strides this year and some of what they do will highlight talents and indicate possibilities for the future. A lot will be required of the young Metal Dragon, but what he learns now will have far-reaching value. Above all, Rooster years are illuminating, and results obtained in exams and tests will indicate the Metal Dragon’s strengths as well as sometimes be a wake-up call that more effort is needed in certain areas. It is by being stretched that the Metal Dragon will learn and understand.
In his studying, it is important that he tells others of any concerns rather than struggles on in silence. Once he talks to others, whether tutors or family, useful guidance can be given. Similarly, if he has additional difficulties or anxieties, he should voice these two. This is not the time to obtain headstrong or obtuse if he is to benefit from the support available to him.
Young Metal Dragon will derive a lot of pleasure from his interests this year and, stimulated by ideas and projects, will be eager to take these further. This is more of a time to enjoy and explore his capabilities, and expert guidance can be of considerable value.
Various Metal Dragons will also be keen to supplement their funds over the year and will take on work in their spare time. Regardless of the fact that tasks gave may be routine, by demonstrating their reliability, they can gain the opportunity to do more. Metal Dragon often has an enterprising spirit and this will not only reward him now but as he continues through life.
Some Metal Dragons will enter the world of work this year, and again, by showing a commitment, they will be encouraged and often trained for a greater role. These are early but potentially significant days.
Metal Dragon’s enterprise this year will help financially and while he will need to watch his spending levels, by managing his situation well and saving towards more substantial purchases, he will be very pleased with how he fares. Financially, this is a rewarding and sometimes lucky year.
Metal Dragons often have a wide circle of friends and over the year there will be fun times to share, news to exchange and parties and other occasions to consider forward to. April, June, August and October could be especially lively months. However, the year will also have its trickier moments. A difference of opinion could sour a close relationship, a promising romance could be cut off and a particular situation could worry the young Metal Dragon. At such times, he will need to tread warily and is careful not to exacerbate situations or go against his better instincts. Metal Dragons, take note and over the year be attentive and aware.
Metal Dragons born in 1940 can also derive considerable pleasure from their activities this year and will often delight in how their interests develop. In some cases, joining others or enlisting the help of relations will give a precise project added momentum. In addition to more creative activities, many senior Metal Dragons will carry out domestic projects they have had in mind for some time, including sorting out accumulated items. Some could find themselves benefiting financially, perhaps from selling items that are no longer necessary or unearthing something of unexpected value. Some may also enjoy a competitive win or receive a surprise gift.
Senior Metal Dragon will also appreciate the family occasions held during the year and will find the successes of friendly relations a source of immense pride. He could also offer guidance when concerns arise, often involving the situation of another person. All year have their ups and downs and this one will be no exception.
However, despite the fact that the Rooster year will have its vexing areas, overall it is a highly encouraging one for the Metal Dragon. Whether born in 1940 or 2000, he will find his subjective interests developing well and often proving a satisfying outlet for his talents. For the younger Metal Dragon, progress made in his education will prepare him for the more advanced work ahead. Support is here for him and he should avail himself of it if required. Being born under the sign of luck, all Metal Dragons can look forward to some fortunate developments over this activity and favourable year.
Tip for the Year
Pay attention to your relations with others and value those who are more important than you. Also, watch your independent tendencies. The more you consult others, the more you can benefit.
The Water Dragon
When the Water Dragon comes to look back on this Rooster year, he may well be astonished by all that has happened. This is only an action-packed 12 months. To get the best from it, the Water Dragon will be required to liaise closely with those around him rather than be too unconventional. If he remembers this and acts with his characteristic verve, however, many will be a step in his favour.
His conjugal life is placed at be be particularly diligent, with quite a few ambitious home projects underway. And some undertakings could mushroom and become even more extensive than originally planned. Water Dragons, take note.
In addition to all the practical activity, the Water Dragon will spend time helping and advising others. With those around him likely to engage in potentially meaningful decision-making, his judgement will be appreciated. There will inevitably be concerns, too, and here frank discussion and sometimes professional input can assist. This can be a time of change and it may be that in the wake of uncertainty. Another option arises. This Rooster year can be a time of swift-moving developments. June, August and early September are liable to be particularly buoyant times. Some Water Dragons could also see their family increase in numbers with the birth of grandchildren.
The Rooster year can also lead to some fascinating travel possibilities and the Water Dragon should not only consider taking a holiday but also take up any chances to have a quick break and/or visit others.
The financial aspects are encouraging and will enable definite plans to move ahead. The Water Dragon’s judgement will be on excellent form and when he has a purchase or plan in mind, once he begins to look at possibilities, he could find himself competent to take advantage of favourable buying opportunities. In addition, if in receipt of funds he does not immediately need, by saving and investing wisely, he could like to receive his actions in later years.
The Water Dragon has an enquiring nature and over the year may well decide to take specified interests forward or start something new. Despite the fact that his interests can be widespread, he may find imaginative projects particularly satisfying. Water Dragons who retire
This year or are recently retired may find a different object or interest adding a pleasing element to their year. In addition, some may be trying to start a keep-fit discipline or try Pilates, Tai Chi or something similar. By following up on their ideas, they can derive much pleasure from what they do over the year.
Water Dragon’s diverse activities will also give him opportunities to go out and spend some time with others. During the year, he will enjoy a variety of social occasions and other forms of entertainment. April, June, August and October could see the most communal activity.
The Rooster year does, however, have its awkward elements. It may be the case that a unique friendship is strained following a disagreement or that a romance flounders due to lack of care and attention. Rooster years can be unforgiving of lapses and preoccupation and during their minor matters have a tendency to escalate. Water Dragons, take note and take extra care.
At work the Rooster year can bring essential progresses, especially as quite a few Water Dragons will take the decision to retire or substantially reduce their work commitments. Considerable adjustment will be needed, but these Water Dragons will relish the additional time this opens up will have ideas and projects they are zealous to get underway. The Rooster year can bring surprises and some of these Water Dragons will find innovative ways to use their experience (and sometimes still to earn).
For Water Dragons who remain in employment, the Rooster year can present complex challenges which will exercise their minds and skills.
For all Water Dragons, March, May, September and November could see key work progresses.
Overall, the Year of the Rooster will be tiring but fulfilling for the Water Dragon. Whether taking decisions concerning his work, developing new or existing interests or undertaking home improvement projects, he is likely to be enthusiastic and inspired. In quite a few instances, he will also benefit from moments of luck. Domestically, there will be much happening and the Water Dragon will often give sterling support to his loved ones. When the inevitable problems arise, he should just try to deal with them quickly, lest they escalate. Friendships and romances require distinctive attention this year if they are to proceed smoothly. However, in many respects this will be a constructive year for the Water Dragon and he may be amazed by all he is able to reach.
Tip for the Year
Take action. Your efforts can reward you well. Also, value those around you and do communicate with them. With support, goodwill and co-operation, you will find so much more will happen.
The Wood Dragon
There is a Chinese proverb which reminds us, ‘Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. Seize the opportunity.’ This advice is very apt for the Wood Dragon this year. This is a favourable year for him and by following up his ideas he can fare well. Pleasingly, recent activities can often be taken further and goals he has been employed towards for some time can be made.In his work, this can be a momentous year. Despite the fact that many Wood Dragons will have experienced change in contemporary times, this period of transition is a long way from over. Indeed, what many have taken part in recently can be regarded as preparation for growth. In 2017 significant opportunities can now arise. And whether these come through senior positions becoming vacant or initiatives requiring experienced staff, the Wood Dragon will often be excellently placed to benefit. Some Wood Dragons may also be helped by long-standing colleagues either recommending them for a particular role or putting in a good word on their behalf. In fact, there may be much going on behind the scenes that are tantamount to their benefit. Depending on the line of work, a few Wood Dragons may also find themselves headhunted.
Wood Dragons who are feeling stand in their present role or seeking a position which better suits their current circumstances, as well as those seeking work, will also benefit from the encouraging aspects of the year. With characteristic drive and initiative, they may well is successful in taking on a new role in which they cannot only quickly impress others but also make greater use of their strengths. Numerous Wood Dragons will be on inspired form as a consequence of energetic opportunities this year. March, May, September and November could see encouraging progresses, but throughout the year the Wood Dragon should seize opportunities as they arise.
Progress made at work can help financially and many Wood Dragons will also benefit from the receipt of extra funds or a gift. This financial upturn will persuade many to go ahead with plans and purchases they have been considering for some time as well as enjoy some travelling. However, to get the best value, they should consider their choices carefully rather than proceed hurriedly. Also, if they are in a position to add to their savings or a pension policy, they could benefit in years to come.
The Rooster year can also be marked by some special family occasions, including the chance to pass time with some relations of the Wood Dragon does not often see. As always, he will take a caring interest in the development of family members and will offer pertinent advice as well as assistance in additional ways. At the time, he may not see just how valuable his input can be. June, August and early September could see exciting times in countless a Wood Dragon household.
This is also an excellent year for shared activities and it is notably the Wood Dragon communicates well with those dear to him rather than keeping his thoughts (and concerns) to himself. Despite the fact that Dragons have an independent streak, greater openness will not only be good for relationships but also lead to more appropriate advice being given. Particularly in the Wood Dragon’s domestic life, reliable communication will make an essential difference this year.
Regardless of the fact that involved in numerous activities, the Wood Dragon should also not allow his personal interests to become sidelined. These not only help him relax and keep his lifestyle in balance but may also give him the benefit of supplementary exercise. Some activities related to his interests could also give birth to travel, especially during the summer and at the end of the year. For all Wood Dragons, some ‘me time’ this year can be of distinct value.
With his energetic lifestyle, the Wood Dragon is in contact with numerous people and the Rooster year will contain a variety of noteworthy social occasions for him to attend. However, if a disagreement should arise, speedy resolution or compromise may be necessary in order to prevent it from escalating or souring a situation. Care is advised.
For the lonely and unattached Wood Dragon, personal interests and changes in his situation can lead to meeting others, regardless of the fact that where romance is concerned, he should proceed slowly. Rushing or bringing pressure to bear on a relationship in the early stages could bring disappointment. Wood Dragons, take note, for affairs of the heart require cautious handling this year.
However, Wood Dragon is both versatile and shrewd and his talents will reward him well in the Rooster year. With his experience and reputation, he can make excellent headway in many areas. As he has so often found, when he puts his mind to something, he often prevails, and so it will be by year. It is an example of ‘hoisting his sail’ and catching the favourable winds. With commitment and the desire to move ahead, he can enjoy this time of splendid possibilities.
Tip for the Year
Capture the moment and make more of yourself. You have a lot to offer. Do, though, keep your lifestyle in balance and be assiduous in your relationships with others.
The Fire Dragon
The element of fire gives a sign more energy and drive and this can certainly be evident in the Fire Dragon. Never one to serve on the sidelines, he likes to play his part and in 2017 he will have some outstanding opportunities to be involved.
An indispensable feature of the Rooster year is the fact that it will enable the Fire Dragon to move forward. This is an opportunity to take his ideas further. He will often be assisted by circumstances and may see ideal openings arising. This year he will get a lot on his side.
At work, many Fire Dragons will have seen considerable change in recent years and their duties becoming more extensive. These Fire Dragons will have the opportunity to improve further upon their present position, either with their current employer or by transferring to a more appealing and remunerative role elsewhere. In sundry instances, some adjustment to the Fire Dragon’s skill-set may be required, but this is a year favouring advance.
Fire Dragon will be assisted by loving colleagues. Not only will some offer advice when he is taking decisions but they may also alert him to potentially useful openings. He will have much rooting for him and his fame will help his prospects.
For Fire Dragons keen on more substantial change, as well as those seeking work, again the Rooster year can open up some nice possibilities. Effort will be needed, but with resolve and initiative, many Fire Dragons will secure the chance they have been seeking, and with it a platform they can build on. March, May, September and November could see significant developments.
Development at work will also help financially. However, to benefit the Fire Dragon will need to be disciplined, otherwise anything superfluous could be absorbed by everyday spending and not used to best advantage. Ideally, if he has specific purchases or plans in mind, he should make immediate provision for them. And if he makes a contribution more of a pension policy or savings plan, this too could be useful. With sound fiscal management, he cannot only be satisfied with his acquisitions this year but also help his long-term position.
Travel is well expected and if there is a destination that appeals to him, the Fire Dragon should make enquiries and see what is possible. Some spur of the moment break or weekend away. Unexpected though they may be, can also be welled received.
Despite the fact that the Fire Dragon enjoys a hectic lifestyle, if sedentary for much of the day he may benefit from taking advice on supplementary exercise. Improving his diet may also help. Extra attention to his well-being can often contribute to how he feels.
Personal interests as well can be helpful to the Fire Dragon this year. He may be fostered by giving himself a further objective, following through an idea or joining other enthusiasts. This is a time to enjoy his talents and, if applicable, promote what he does.
In his home life, this can be a pleasing year. There will be mutual interests, shared occasions and personal successes to enjoy. Fire Dragon and other family members will also be faced with some crucial decision-making, especially when opportunities arise and work situations change. These need to be talked through and the implications discussed.
Home projects and purchases should be taken into consideration jointly. That way everyone will enjoy the results more fully. June, August and early September will often be lively and special months domestically.
With his energetic lifestyle, the Fire Dragon is in contact with many people and the Rooster year will bring invaluable opportunities to meet more. Professionally in particular, this can be a great time to network and forge new connections. Fire Dragon should also take up social invitations as well as go to events that appeal to him. April, June, August and October could see the most shared activity. However, should a disagreement arise, the Fire Dragon should try to solve it rather than ignore it. Minor niggles, a faux pas or a clash of opinion could escalate and sour relations, and this has to be watched. Similarly, new romantic attachments need care and attention if they are tantamount to endure. Fire Dragons, take heed.
In numerous respects, the Rooster year offers considerable scope for the Fire Dragon. For many who start the year dissatisfied with their present situation, it can bring a welcome change. Fire Dragon has to take action, but some nice possibilities will arise over the course of the year. In his home life, shared decision-making and activities can be useful. Minor disagreements and romantic situations require care and mindfulness, but overall the aspects are explicit and many an enterprising Fire Dragon will make good use of the Rooster year and enjoy himself in the process.
Tip for the Year
Make your experience and talents count by looking to further your position. Also, value your relations with others. Not only can they support be invaluable, but there will be lots to be shared and enjoy in this full and successful year.
The Earth Dragon
Earth Dragon can fare well in this inspiring year. However, to get the best from it, he will be under an obligation to liaise closely with others. Despite the fact that he may like to make his own plans, with backing and sound advice from those around him, his successes can be all the more abundant.
Earth Dragons nurturing particular aims will find that if they work steadily towards them. Critical advances can follow on. As the Chinese proverb states, ‘A journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step.’ In 2017, it will be imperative for the Earth Dragon to take some steps – even strides – towards his goals.
Over the year, many Earth Dragons will be thinking about accommodation matters. For those who are settled where they are, there will be improvements to make and appliances to acquire. By taking time and seeking advice (and, if applicable, waiting for favourable buying opportunities), they will be in a position to go ahead with many of their plans. Quite a rare Earth Dragons will consider moving this year and will spend time viewing possibilities and working out the financial implications. Here again, the Earth Dragon should seek advice. His plans can be considerably advanced this year, and many realized, but it will require effort and support. June, August and early September could be potentially meaningful months.
With so much happening and/or under consideration, the Earth Dragon will need to watch his pecuniary situation. With high outgoings and sometimes deposits to put down, he needs to be disciplined with his everyday spending. The better his control, the better his position. However, many Earth Dragons will be helped this year by a rise in income and some will benefit from a generous gift. While this is a year for fiscal care, it can be in an element of good fortune as well.
In view of his pecuniary situation, the Earth Dragon will be more selective in the times he goes out socializing. However, he should not deny himself the chance to meet friends or go to events pertained to his or his interests. Contact with other people can do him good as well as add balance to his lifestyle. April, June, August and October could see the most societal activity.
While a lot is placed it goes well, one area which requires meticulous care is romance, particularly new relationships and those still in the early stages. Without proper attention, affairs of the heart could be problematic for the Earth Dragon this year. In the Rooster year, it is a case of exercising care, enjoying the present and letting any romance build up steadily (which may be), without pressure.
An indispensable feature of the Earth Dragon character is that he is always keen to be added to his knowledge and skills. Regardless of the fact that occupied with countless activities this year, he could find some projects related to his interests particularly satisfying and be enthused by new ideas and knowledge. No matter whether he prefers creative, practical or more outdoor pursuits, over the year he should permit himself some ‘me time’ to promote his private interests. Much pleasure can follow on, and often supplementary benefits as well.
His work situation will also encourage him to enhance his skills. If following a unique career, he is likely to find his employers desirous for him to take on more responsibilities and offering the chance of additional training. This is a year for him to build and prosper. In addition, many a workplace will see changes, with new systems, technology and products being introduced. If the Earth Dragon familiarizes himself with these and keeps himself informed about developments in his industry, his increasing knowledge cannot only serve him well now but also be to his future benefit.
Earth Dragon can further assist his situation by actively contributing to his place of work, including getting to go to meet other colleagues. The more involved he is, the more others can appreciate his value and potential.
The majority of Earth Dragons will make development with their present employer this year, but some will take on greater responsibilities elsewhere. Career ambitions of sundry will be recognized and rewarded, in March, May, September and November seeing some fundamental developments.
For Earth Dragons seeking work, the Rooster year may spring some surprises. Regardless of the fact that the job-seeking process may be wearying, by keeping themselves informed and talking to others, these Earth Dragons could be alerted to employers looking to recruit and/or positions in which they can utilize their skills in other ways. By acting with determination and showing initiative in an interview, many will be in a position to secure a position offering the potential for growth. This is a year rewarding effort.
A fundamental feature of the Rooster year is that once the Earth Dragon takes action, circumstances will often assist him. With his skills and sense of purpose, a lot can open up for him this year and he can end it with many achievements to his credit. Personal plans, accommodation matters and key purchases will often proceed in pleasing ways, regardless of the fact that the Earth Dragon is obliged to draw on the support of others rather than act single-handedly. He will also derive considerable satisfaction from furthering his interests and his work position. The accent this year is on growth, and important gains, both now and in the near future, can follow on. While care is needed with romance, overall this is a year of opportunity for the Earth Dragon.
Tip for the Year
Capture the moment and act, while drawing on the support of those around you. You have it within you guy a great deal this year, but do act with determination and seeks to make the most of your opportunities. The long-term benefits can be significant.