However, there will be a few bumps in the road and the necessary course corrections. Your financial planet, the Sun gets eclipsed twice this year. This you goes through every year. Twice a year, the cosmos forces you to do needed changes in your financial thinking and strategy. But this year this force seems stronger than usual. Not only are home the customary two Solar Eclipses, but one of them – on August 21 – will also happen in your money house, greatly re-enforcing the financial drama. On February 11 there will be a Lunar Eclipse in the money house too, also bringing financial drama and change. So, this year you’re affected by three eclipses rather than the customary two. (other Solar Eclipse this year happens on February 26.)
While an empty money house indicates satisfaction and contentment – a good thing – it, often shows the root cause behind financial problems, should they arise: lack of attention and lack of focus. Should problems arise (God forbid), start giving more attention?
The Sun is a fast-moving planet. In any given year, he will travel through all the signs and houses of your Horoscope. Thus money and earnings opportunities come to you in various ways and through various people, depending on where your money planet is at any given time and the kinds of aspects he receives. These short-term trends are best included in the monthly reports.
Jupiter, your work planet, in your 4th house is a sound monetary signal for you and thus I feel there will be basic prosperity in the year ahead. Jupiter in the 4th house plays to your innate strengths – real estate, the food business, restaurants, house building and industries that are targeted at the home. It shows, as we have mentioned, the prosperity of the family as a whole and good family support.
Jupiter’s move into your 5th house on October 11 indicates luck in speculations and money that is drawn in favorable ways. It shows someone who is enjoying their wealth – spending on fun kinds of activities.
Career has been unstable for many years now. Unstable, but exciting. There have been numerous career changes of late and more could happen this year as well. It’s as if you’re searching for the perfect career, and every time you think you’ve found it a new idea or opportunity comes, and you change again. Uranus in your career house favours careers in media, technology, science, astrology and the online world. Whatever your actual career is, these activities play an important role.
As we said earlier, your main lesson these past few years are learning to deal with career uncertainty and insecurity. Change – for good or ill – can happen at any moment. Nothing is held in stone. Career highs can be very crucial, but the lows can be ultra-low as well. It is just like making a bucking bronco.