The 10th house is more than a person’s worldly career. It shows the spiritual mission for the life: the purpose of the incarnation. The spiritual part of you (your real self) wants to achieve something very peculiar in this incarnation. It is up to you to learn what this is and to do it. Uranus in your 10th house indicates that you’re wanting to play this. You’re experimenting with this or that path. It also shows that the instabilities in your worldly career are leading you, little by little, to your true soul purpose. You’re being ‘set free’ so to speak to follow your Divine Calling.
Neptune, the most mystical of planets, has been in stressful alignment with Saturn for two years now, and this more or less continues in the year ahead (but less so than in previous years). Your religious beliefs – your world view – your personal philosophy of life – is being tested. It seems like this testing is from friends or the spouse, partner or current love interest. The testing is unpleasant to be sure, but it is healthy. Some of your beliefs will hold up, some will get modified, some will be replaced. Religion and philosophy are far more important than psychology (at which you’re very helpful). These will shape the psychology. Change a person’s religious beliefs and you immediately change their emotional reactions to events. Jupiter, the natural ruler of the 9th house of religion and philosophy, was considered the chief God among the ancients for this reason. He was causative to all the other Gods.