Cancer Horoscope 2017

Health needs attention this year, and overall energy could be a lot better, but in spite of this, many wonderful things are happening.

Jupiter in your 4th house of home and family for much of the year shows a focus here – even more than usual. It indicates great success in family issues and huge pleasure from family members – a Cancerian paradise. More on this later.

There’s even more fun ahead when Jupiter moves into your 5th house on October 11. You enter one of your lifetime personal pleasure peaks. Personal creativity soars. There is luck in speculations. There are both the urge and the wherewithal to do the things that you like.

The job situation is not easy this year, however. Perhaps it is constricting, and you’re working together hard. Nonetheless, the hidden blessing here is the social life that it brings. The job might be onerous but it has a few nice side benefits.

Pluto has been in your 7th house of love for many years now – since 2008 – and he will be there for many more years to come. Thus a major cosmic detox has gone on in your love and social life. Marriages and relationships have either ‘died’ or had near-death kinds of experiences. The entire social sphere is being transformed and reformed into a newer and better pattern, although while it’s happening the process can be traumatic.

Neptune, your planet of religion and higher education, has been in stressful alignment with Saturn for two years. Students at college have had to work together harder at their studies. Success has not come here easily. It needs to be earned the hard way – the old-fashioned approach – through sheer merit. Your religious beliefs have also been tried these past few years. This trend is continued in the year ahead. By the end of the year, though, these issues will be easier.

Uranus has been in your 10th house of career since March 2011, are capable of being here in the coming year too. This has brought sudden – and multiple – career changes to you. As far, as the career is concerned – anything can occur at any time. Peace and smooth sailing are not permanent. Learning to cope with career insecurities has been one of the principal lessons these past years. By now, the lessons have been taught and you handle these things much easier. Very soon – next year – Uranus will move into your 11th house and your career will start to become more stable. There’s more on this later.

Your areas of greatest interest this year are home and family (especially until October 10); children, fun and creativity (from October 11 onwards); health and work (until December 21); love, romance and social activities; religion, metaphysics, higher education and foreign travel; career.

Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year is communication and intellectual interests (until April 29); finance (from April 29 onwards); home and family (until October 10); children, fun and creativity (from October 11 onwards).

Cancer Health Horoscope 2017

Cancer Home and Family Horoscope 2017

Cancer Finance and Career Horoscope 2017

Cancer Love and Social Life Horoscope 2017

Cancer Self-improvement Horoscope 2017