In a year or two Uranus will move into your 12th house and stay there for many years; spirituality will become even more conspicuous than it is currently. This move will inject more science and rationality into the spiritual life. You will really start to understand the science behind all this apparent ‘voodoo’. Right now it doesn’t seem to matter much, but when you understand the rationality behind the mystical practices, you’ll be in a position to be drafted and teach about it.
Since Uranus is your planet of religion and philosophy, there will be revelation about the mundane and mystical practices of your own native religion.
The Mid-heaven and 10th house shows more than just a person’s career. This is just the worldly reading of it. On a deeper level it shows a person’s mission in life – the transcendent purpose for the incarnation. You were sent down to do something special, something no one else can do. You took vows on inner levels to perform this. Since 2012 it has been time for you to know what this is and to start doing it. Until you do, there will be this subtle sense of dissatisfaction, regardless of how successful you are. It won’t go away until you begin to do your real mission. This doesn’t mean that you have to give up your worldly career. Definitely not – not right away. Nevertheless, gradually you begin to give more attention to your mission, and the worldly career gets put into its proper perspective.
How think I know what I’m was done? This is the issue we always hear – it’s a fair question. Prayer is a satisfactory beginning. As the Divine to show you what it is. Gurus, ministers, spiritual channels, psychics and astrologers have information on this subject, and it might be advisable to consult them. Also, pay attention to your dreams. They are revelatory these days and there will be numerous dreams that lead you to your mission. Once you penetrate ‘dream language’. Write your dreams down.
Usually a person is called upon to do great and mighty things. Much more than they believe to be possible for them. Things that seem beyond their powers and abilities. This is generally the main reason they get ignored – the human mind can’t accept such greatness. Nonetheless, as you begin, according to your present abilities, you will find that the ‘impossible’ is very doable. We grow into our mission slightly.