Spiritual growth and understanding are not only important for its own sake (which it is) but are very critical in your love life. Your intuition is receiving training in relationships and love this year. A safe connection with the Divine Intelligence will go a long way towards improve the love life.
There will be love challenges this year. You will often feel overwhelmed by them as in truth there is not any concrete solution. The only solutions are spiritual – and this is the agenda. You get the kind of chart – and we have dealt with this in previous years – where one needs to ‘cast the burdens of love’ on the Divine and let go. There has to be a complete surrender to the Divine. If this is done sincerely (with the heart and not just the lips) a tremendous peace will enfold you. Give the Divine complete charge of things. Get yourself out-of-the-way. Little by little things will start to clear up. Either the current relationship will straighten out or you’ll meet someone new and better. Love is just too complicated these days to handle on your own.
Your desire for ideal love is right. You deserve it. Only one needs to know where to look. If you’re looking outside yourself, you’re on the wrong track. All these trials are leading you to Ideal Love – the pure Divine Love – sometimes known as agape. This is unconditional love. A love that encompasses every aspect of life – not just the romantic life. This agape, if allowed to develop, will often mend and heal (just by itself) a contemporary love relationship. Nevertheless, even if the relationship goes, you will be still required to love. A relationship or out of one will be the same ones to you. Every need in love (and every mean every) will be made care of.