There is much you can do to enhance the health and prevent problems from developing. The first and most important thing is to maintain high energy levels. Don’t allow yourself to get over-tired. Don’t waste energy on trivial, non-essential things. Keep your mind on the real priorities in your life and let lesser things go. This sounds easy but it’s difficult in practice; often tough choices have to be made.
The second thing is to give more attention to the following areas – the vulnerable areas of your chart. These are where problems (if they happened) would most likely begin. Keeping them healthy and fit is sound preventive medicine.
• The heart. This is not normally a vulnerable area for you, but in recent years – since 2011 – it has become so. Avoid worry and anxiety. Cultivate a relaxed approach to life. One can be more effective without being tense. Develop more faith.
• The kidneys and hips. These are always important for you. Regular his message (and the buttocks too) should be incorporated into your health regime. Herbal kidney cleanses are good too.
• The feet. These two are always important for you. Neptune, your health planet, rules the feet. But ever since 2012 when Neptune moved into Pisces, they have become even more important. Regular foot massage – see our chart above – should be
• Part of your health regime. There are gadgets on the market that massage the feet and some even give foot whirlpool treatments. These would be great (over time they pay for themselves). Wear shoes that fit right and that you can balance well in. It’s better to sacrifice fashion for comfort – although this is a difficult thing for Libra to do. If you can have both – fashion and comfort – all the better.
Neptune, the most spiritual of all the planets, as the health planet shows that you respond well to spiritual therapies, as we have mentioned. This was always the case for you but more so since 2012. If you feel under the weather, see a spiritual healer.
Your health planet rules from a Water sign. Thus you have a special connection to the healing powers of the Water element. Water is weak in the horoscope this year (until October 11). So make sure you’re drinking enough water. Dehydration could be an issue for you. Water aerobics and water sports are healthy kinds of exercises. It will be good to spend more time on the water – especially if you feel under the weather. Get on a boat or go to the beach, river or lake. Hang out near water. Soaking in a natural spring, lake, river or ocean will be healing. At a pinch, soaking in the tub will also be beneficial.
If you pay attention and take these precautions, you should sail through the year with few problems.