Libra Self Horoscope 2017

Both 2015 and 2016 were strong spiritual years. Much growth happened. There were many spiritual breakthroughs. Your ESP abilities were improved and you had many supernatural experiences. The saintly life is still glad this year but less active. The Moon’s North Node will be in your 12th house until April 29.

Uranus in your 7th house of love has proved difficult to deal with, but this aspect has brought some important personal growth. You’ve been learning to deal with love and social insecurity – to be comfortable about it and to be at ease with the abrupt changes that happen. After six years of this you’ve lost much of your anxiety.

Psychic healing, as we’ve mentioned, is a big issue these days and you’re going deeper into it. This is a long-term trend and we’ve written about it in previous years. Psychic healing is a whopping, huge subject. This is not something that you learn in a year or two or three. It takes many years and this is a report of your chart. Neptune is about me to be a part of your health house for many more years.

As you go deeper into psychic healing, you will see, for yourself, that the current scientific understanding of the body is not sufficient. It is accurate up to a point. The body gets a mechanical and a chemical aspect to it. Nevertheless, above these purely physical levels – the levels that can be monitored by instruments –, are many other finer levels. There is just an energy body (sometimes called the etheric body). There are a feeling body and above that a mental body and upper mental body. Above these are other heavenly bodies, which are given different labels by different systems. In astrology, we understand that each of the planets has its body in each person. The higher bodies are ‘causative’ relative to the lower ones. A change in a higher body (higher in energy vibration) will produce a change in the body beneath it, which will create a change in the body beneath that, and so forth until the chemical–physical level gets affected.
Mind–body medicine is more or less mainstream these days. Nevertheless, there are reserved for it. Problems in the mind, where the seeds of pathology lie, can’t be processed by the human mind. (The human mind is in itself the problem.) What is mandatory is the intervention of a power which is above the human mind to clear these issues. And here we have the mystical approach to healing. It is a question of the invocation of a power that is above the mind, to go and make its perfect work.

As the power descends, it will heal the mind – the problems there that were causing the bodily condition. Then, by a beautiful natural process, the feelings will get healed, and then, the physical body. Sometimes the effect is accelerated and we don’t notice the stages. Nonetheless, generally healing happens by a gradual kind of process.

The important thing is made to be persistent in your practice and allow for the gradual dissipation of the health problem. It is seldom instantaneous.

Libra Horoscope 2017

Libra Health Horoscope 2017

Libra Home and Family Horoscope 2017

Libra Finance and Career Horoscope 2017

Libra Love and SocialLife Horoscope 2017