Those of you with pre-existing conditions should hear good news. Either the condition resolves itself or it is in abeyance and not bothering you. Perhaps some new pill, supplement or therapy will get the credit, but the reality is that the planetary power has shifted in your favour.
Good though your health is, you can make it even better. Give more attention to the following – the vulnerable areas of your chart:
• The heart. This is always important for Pisces is the Sun, the ruler of the heart, is your health planet. As our regular readers know, the important thing with the heart is to avoid worry and anxiety, the two emotions that stress the heart. In the grip of these emotions, the heart rate shoots up, burning needed energy. Blood pressure increases. The whole circulatory system is under stress. Replace worry with faith. Practise the ‘relaxation response’ to problems. Relaxation exercises are good.
• The feet. These two are always important for Pisces. Regular foot massage (and foot reflexology) should be part of your regular health regime. When you do this, you not only strengthen the feet, but the entire body as well (see our chart above). There are inexpensive gadgets out on the market that massages the feet automatically. Some will give foot whirlpool treatments too. These are good investments for you – it can get quite expensive to see a lexicologist regularly. Wear shoes that fit and that doesn’t knock you off balance. Comfort and good fit are more important than fashion. Sometimes you can have both – this would be the best of both worlds.
Your health planet, the Sun, is a fast-moving planet. He will move through different houses of your chart every month. In the course of a year he will move through your entire chart. Thus there are many short-term health trends that depend on where the Sun is and the aspects he receives. These are best dealt with in the monthly reports.
Your health is good. Yet we see many changes in your health regime and health attitudes this year. Three eclipses are having an impact here. Two Solar Eclipses (on February 26 and August 21) and one Lunar Eclipse on February 11 (which occurs in your 6th house). These could bring health ‘scares’ but they probably won’t be more than that – health, as we mentioned above, is good. But the eclipses will produce needed changes.
Neptune has been in your own sign for some years now. The physical body is much more sensitive these days. Drugs and alcohol should be avoided as you can overreact to them. Not every pain or twinge you feels the body denote illness. In most cases, it’s not even you. Your sensitized body picks up energy vibrations from others and it feels like it’s happening to you. Understanding this will save much heartache and aggravation.