Uranus in your money house shows, as we mentioned, much financial instability. Earnings can soar beyond your imagination, and then sink very low. The highs are high and the lows unusually low – a rollercoaster ride. Your challenge these days, as has been made for many years, is to smooth out your earnings. Set aside money from the good times to react to the sad times.
With Mars as your financial planet you are often a risk-taker in finance. There’s a reason for this. You came here to develop fiscal courage – fearlessness. Thus, even if the risks don’t pan out (and often they don’t), if you conquered your fears, you’ve won. Nonetheless, these days you seem much more of a risk-taker than normal. Perhaps you’re too quick to become involved in a purchase or investment. There is a need to slow down a bit, sleep on things, and calculate the ramifications of a purchase or investment. You seem to be especially favour new, high-tech start-ups.
Technology in general attracts you. Even if you’re not yet an investor, your high-tech expertise plays an important role in whatever you’re doing. You’re spending on this as well. (But do more research before you splash out.)
Finances work effectively for most of the year. However, when Jupiter moves into Scorpio on October 11 and starts to make subtle aspects to you, there will be significant improvement.
Mars is a relatively fast-moving planet. He will be transferred to a separate house of your Horoscope every 45 days or so. Thus there are various short-term fiscal trends during the year that depends on where Mars is right on any given time and the aspects he is receiving. These are best dealt with in the monthly reports.
Career, as we mentioned, has been difficult. Saturn in your 10th house shows much discipline and hard work involved. You certainly can’t coast. You have to give your best every day – and probably a bit extra. If you examine the challenge, you will see much success happening, and your success will be more enduring. Saturn is the ruler of your 11th house of friends and technology. Thus technology is not only involved in finance but in the career as well. You have successful friends who are in favour of your career goals.
Your career planet Jupiter spends most of the year in Libra. This also is reflected in a social dimension to the career. Social contacts and your personal ‘like ability’ are playing a huge role in the career. It’s seemly to have the right social contacts, but with Saturn in your 10th house it won’t be enough. You have to perform. Libra is all your 8th house of regeneration. This indicates that a ‘detox’ happening in your career, in your attitudes, your approach and your plans. Impurities in these things need to be taken out. There are probably all kinds of dramas – life and death issues – in your company, industry and profession. This could be happening with bosses and authority figures to.
Jupiter’s move into Scorpio on October 11 is not only beneficial for your finances. It will bring career elevation and fortunate opportunities to you, either within your present company or situation or with new ones. Your willingness to travel is an essential consideration.
The past few years (and most of the year ahead to) have been about ‘paying your dues’ for the success that you crave. When Saturn leaves your 10th house on December 21, the dues will have been achieved. 2018 will be a very brilliant and successful career year – even more than this year.