Capricorn is always ambitious and career driven, and this year especially so. Jupiter entered your 10th career house in September 2016 is capable of being there for most of the year ahead (until October 10). This is a banner career year. You’re ultra-successful. This is the main headline of the year ahead. More on this later.
On October 11 Jupiter will enter your 11th house of friends. New and significant friendships are achieved. You’re very involved with groups and professional organizations; it seems as if they are spiritual or charitable ones.
Pluto has been in your sign since 2008 is capable of being there for many more years. This shows the renovation of your image and personality – a focus on personal transformation. You’re giving birth to the person you want to be, your ideal self. This never happens overnight, but is a long-term process that will continue for many more years.
Neptune has been made available for your 3rd house of communication since 2012, raising and refining your intellectual processes – your taste in reading as well. You are able to communicate in a refined and elegant way. This too is a long-term process that will last for many more years.
Uranus has been made available for your 4th house of home and family since 2011. This has created great turmoil in the family and most likely brought multiple moves or renovations. The whole family circle has been unstable. Happily this is almost over with. Ensuing year Uranus will flirt with your 5th house, and in 2019 will enter there for the long haul. More on this later.
Your areas of greatest focus this year are the body and image (and this will become even stronger after December 21); communication and intellectual interests; home and family; career (until October 10); friends, groups, group and online activities (from October 11 onwards); and spirituality (until December 21).
Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (until April 29); sex, personal transformation and renovation (from April 29 onwards); career (until October 10); friends, groups, group activities and technology (from October 11 onwards).