Gemini November Horoscope 2017

Gemini November Horoscope 2017

Jupiter’s move into your 6th house is not only brought love changes, but job changes also seen in the works. And, these are happy job changes. Very favorable opportunities are coming (and they could have already happened). These can be with your present company, or another one. You have excellent job prospects for the rest of the year and well into next year.

Jupiter’s move into your 6th house is bringing prosperity to the children or children figures in your life. They are located within a year of peak earnings. Those of you who are creative (and many Geminis are) will find that their creations are more marketable now. Aunts and uncles are prospering (or living that kind of lifestyle).

As we have mentioned, the workplace has become your social centre. And, this is everything the more so after the 7th as Venus moves into your 6th house. A lot of your socializing seem work- and health-related. Parties at the gym, yoga studio, or health-related events seem happy and are venues for romance and friendship.

This is a critical period (until the 22nd) to do those boring, menial tasks that need to go done – accounts, bookkeeping, filing, etc. You have the energy to do them and they should pass more painlessly.

On 6th Mercury enters your 7th house of love. This let's us know various things. You are very well there for others – for your friends and your beloved. Other people come first in your life (which is fixed as it should be with so many planets in your Western sector). There is much personal popularity and you are proactive in love – you go after what you want. However, Saturn remains in your 7th house, slowing things down. Right now, I would say that it was a great influence. He keeps you from jumping too quickly into relationships and introduces some caution here. On the 22nd, Sun also enters your 7th house and you begin a yearly love and social peak. Marriage is not yet on the cards yet, but there is more (and happy) social activity.

Gemini November Horoscope 2017:Health needs more attention after the 22nd. There is nothing profound in store, just lower than usual energy. This can get you to more vulnerable, so rest more and focus on the really important things. Improve your health in the ways mentioned in the yearly report.

Gemini November Horoscope 2017

Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 14, 15, 24, 25
Most Stressful Days Overall: 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27
Best Days for Love: 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 26, 27
Best Days for Money: 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29
Best Days for Career: 7, 8, 16, 17, 26, 27

Horoscope for November 2017 for each zodiac sign