The year ahead looks prosperous, with Saturn remaining in your sign virtually all year. On December 21, he moves into your money house – a strong position. He is eloquent on your behalf. More on this later.
Jupiter, the ruler of your Horoscope, spends most of the year in your 11th house. This is a year for friendships and group activities. A year for manifesting ‘fondest hopes and wishes’. New and important friends are there in the picture. On October 11, Jupiter will move into your spiritual 12th house, and spirituality will begin to become prominent. This will serve as an example well into next year. You enter a period of spiritual growth.
Spirituality plays a major role in other ways too. Pluto, your spiritual planet, has been in your money house since 2008. Your spiritual understanding and insight are having concrete bottom-line results and this is a long-term trend. Pluto will be here for many more years.
Neptune has been in your 4th house since 2012 is capable of being there for many more years. The family relationship is becoming elevated and spiritualized – a long-term process.
Uranus has been in your 5th house since 2011. Children and children figures in your life have been more rebellious and difficult to handle. Provide them with as much freedom as possible, so long as it isn’t destructive. They should be offered safe approaches to test the limits of their bodies.
Your areas of greatest interest this year are the body and image; finance; home and family; children, fun and creativity; friends, groups, group and online activities (until October 11); and spirituality (from October 11 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are career (until April 29); religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (from April 29 onwards); friends, groups, group and online activities (until October 11); and spirituality (from October 11 onwards).