Scorpio September Horoscope 2017
Last month on the 26th the planetary power made a major shift from the social West to the liberated East. Planetary power now moves away from others and towards you. Personal independence and personal power are increasing day by day. You have the authority to create your own happiness now. You begin thinking about ‘Number One’ – yourself. The cycle, of people pleasing is mostly over with. Now you just have to please yourself. The cosmos be supporting you. This is not selfish as most people think. If you are happy, the world as a whole grows up to be a happier place. If every person takes responsibility for their own happiness, the overall happiness of the world will increase.The career focus tapers off this month. Mars is out of your 10th house on the 5th. Things are quieter. Less hectic. Mercury leaves on the 10th and Venus leaves on the 20th. Along with these moves come substantial improvements in health and overall energy. Probably the mood will improve as well. Health is improved by paying attention to the small intestine. Abdominal massage would be great too.
Your 11th house of friends became effectual on August 22 and is all the more potent in the month ahead. Thus societal life is prominent now. The communal life of the 11th house is distinct from the shared life of the 7th house – it is more about friendships and platonic relationships than relationships of the heart. But Venus’s move into your 11th house (on the 20th) shows that romance can happen in this venue as well. You can be involved in a group activity or organizational function and meet someone special. Sometimes friends want to make Cupid. And, sometimes someone whom you saw as a friend becomes more than that. The online world is socially useful this month – especially the communal networks.
Venus in Virgo (from the 20th onwards) is not your best position for love. Venus is not comfortable in the sign of Virgo. She cannot work in her full strength. So your social magnetism is not enough its usual standards.
There is a very fortunate career opportunity between the 8th and 10th. You seem successful during that period.
Scorpio September Horoscope 2017:Finances are excellent this month as well. On the 22nd, as the Sun starts to travel with Jupiter, there will be fiscal expansion. Next month will be still better.
Scorpio September Horoscope 2017
Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 14, 15, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 10, 16, 17, 30
Best Days for Love: 7, 8, 10, 16, 17, 28
Best Days for Money: 3, 4, 12, 13, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30
Best Days for Career: 1, 10, 16, 17, 19, 30