Capricorn September Horoscope 2017
Planetary power continues to be mostly in the social West and Saturn. The ruler of your Horoscope, receives stressful aspects. Health is to be welcomed that, but self-esteem and self-confidence could be better. Nonetheless, no matter, self-confidence is not an important issue right now. It’s the social graces that still be notable. There is no requirement that undue self-assertion. Yield to the will of others so long as it isn’t destructive. Your personal weakness allows additional strengths to come through.Your 9th house became concentrated on August 22 and is still stronger in the month ahead. Thus it is a month for travel and for the expansion of your horizons. It is very helpful for students as there is significant focus on their studies – this tends to success. You’ve been in a spiritual period for two years now and this power in the 9th house emphasizes it. Your interest in the ‘Higher Laws’, in religion and philosophy, is considerably enhanced. Philosophy is more censorious than psychology. A person’s philosophy will shape the psychology. This is an opportunity to delve deeper into these things. Many of you will have spiritual or philosophical insights.
Capricorn September Horoscope 2017:Health is a very excellent thing, as we mentioned – especially until the 22nd. Any doubt about it is resolved after the 5th as Mercury really starts to move forward. (Travel is better after the 5th too.) Health can be enhanced even further through detox regimes, until the 10th. Delightful heart health is also vital until the 10th. After the 10th, abdominal massage will be powerful. There are reflexes in the abdomen that helps the small intestine, an area that needs to do on that period. After the 22nd, do not forget to get enough rest, and eat foods that are easily digested.
Capricorn September Horoscope 2017:Career is another major headline this month. Jupiter has been in your 10th house all year. The planetary power is located in the upper half of your chart (moving towards the career and away from the home). On the 22nd the Sun enters your 10th house and you begin a yearly career peak. For many of you, it will be a lifetime peak. (Much depends on your age.) The planets are supporting your outer ambitions. Do not have fear – press forward and succeed?
Capricorn September Horoscope 2017:Love is no longer a big issue this month. Your 7th house is basically empty – only the Moon moves through there on the 14th and 15th. Love goals basically have been achieved over the past few months and you have no need to concentrate greatly here. In general your social magnetism is stronger from the 1st to the 6th and from the 20th onwards – as the Moon waxes. Though the love aspects are lacklustre on the 13th, it should be a virtuous love day. The Moon is shown on the brink of Earth, at her perigee.
Capricorn September Horoscope 2017
Best Days Overall: 1, 10, 18, 19, 28, 29
Most Stressful Days Overall: 7, 8, 14, 15, 20, 21
Best Days for Love: 1, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 28, 30
Best Days for Money: 3, 4, 8, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21, 27, 30
Best Days for Career: 7, 8, 16, 17, 20, 21, 28