Leo July Horoscope 2017

Leo July Horoscope 2017

The month ahead is happy and prosperous – one of the best in your year, Leo. Enjoy.

There are just so many subtle things happening we don’t know where to begin. First off, during this month and the next you are placed in a period of maximum independence and personal power. You can shape and mould your life to your specifications. You can (and should) have things your way. Your happiness is up to you. If you haven’t yet made the changes, that you want to make, now (and August) is now time to make them.

Astrology confirms the spiritual teachings. Things – good or bad – go to have to happen internally before they can happen outwardly. These internal things are happening until the 22nd – with your mystical 12th house very powerful. After the 22nd, internal expansion will be manifest outwardly. Spend the early part of the month for your spiritual practice, the results will be viewed later on.

On 6th Mercury crosses your Ascendant and enters your 1st house. This demonstrates that money (and opportunity) pursues you. You can’t avoid it. Financial windfalls happen. Friends bring financial opportunity. Online activities to prosper. You spend on yourself. You dress more prosperously and look the part. This draws additional financial opportunities to you.

Leo July Horoscope 2017:Love is a little bit challenging early in the month, but as the Sun enters your own sign on the 22nd there is significant improvement. You are all right for a start – Leo always has star quality, but in this period more so than usual. Mars will be on your sign from the 20th onwards too, and this just adds to charisma. You are firm and energetic – with wonderful magnetism. The opposite sex takes notice. With these kinds of aspects, the actual shape of your physical body is not exactly the issue. It is the energy you exude that creates the charm. People are finally more attracted by a healthy energy field than by purely physical things.

Mars’ move into your sign shows foreign travel and involvement with foreigners. Perhaps a distant friend or associate is now coming to stay with you. It is a very good aspect for college-level students. Schools are seeking you rather than vice versa.

Health and energy are super. There’s nothing that you can’t achieve this month.

Leo July Horoscope 2017

Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 15, 16, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 30, 31
Best Days for Love: 6, 10, 11, 16, 19, 20, 24, 28, 29
Best Days for Money: 1, 4, 10, 11, 16, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29
Best Days for Career: 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 29

Horoscope for July 2017 for each zodiac sign