Pisces July Horoscope 2017

Pisces July Horoscope 2017

Your cosmic holiday continues until the 22nd. Fun and joyful creativity is the order of the day. The wherewithal for this is present. Mars, your financial planet, is still in your 5th house until the 20th. Review our discussion of this last month.

Your financial planet in the sign of Cancer enhances the financial intuition, but also makes you more moody about pecuniary matters. In a good mood you’re richer than Bill Gates; a bad mood you are under the impression that a pauper. You are inclined to spend based on mood as well. If you’re making crucial financial decisions or major purchases, sleep on things first. Make sure you have’re in a state of peace and harmony. Then the decision or purchase will be usually advantageous.

Your 6th house of health and work becomes solid after the 22nd. This is a very sound fiscal period for the children or children figures in your life. They earn more and acquire big ticket items. It is likewise a wonderful transit for job seekers or those who hires others. There are many opportunities. Health is essentially trustworthy, but you’re focused here. You can be overly concentrated if you’re not careful – there is inclined to magnify little things into big things. (For example, comes this pimple on my face cancer? Is this tightness in the chest a heart attack?) Many of these tiny things arise because of the Sun’s transits and not owing to any serious pathology. The best way to use this health focus is to put in place of constructive health regimes and diets. It is a big idea to get into a healthier kind of lifestyle now and to stick to it.

Your financial planet moves into your 6th house on the 20th. This shows earnings from work, on the job, from productive service to others. You might still be speculating this period – Mars will be in Leo –, but your work will generate the exceptional luck. You’re spending more on health and health gadgetry too. You can be further informed from the health field – opportunities will come.

Pisces July Horoscope 2017:Love planet Mercury moves very quickly this month – through three signs and houses of your chart. This improves your fickleness in love. The love needs and love attitudes change quickly. Someone who satisfied you early in the month might not meet you later on. As your needs have changed. A place that helped to love early in the month does not play as well conducive later on. On the other hand, it shows more dating and more social activity. There is more important collective confidence.

Until 6th love happens in ‘fun’ places – at resorts, the movies, the theatre or park. From the 6th to the 16th, love happens at the workplace or with people you work with. Health professionals are attractive. After the 16th love happens in the usual places – at parties, gatherings and social events.

Pisces July Horoscope 2017

Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 13, 14, 21, 22, 30, 31
Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 19, 20, 25, 26
Best Days for Love: 4, 10, 16, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29
Best Days for Money: 1, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31
Best Days for Career: 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29

Horoscope for July 2017 for each zodiac sign