Sagittarius July Horoscope 2017

Sagittarius July Horoscope 2017

Health and energy are a very good thing now and should improve even further from the 20th onwards. Your health planet moves into your 7th house on the 5th. In the unlikely event that you feel under the weather, arm and shoulder massage will boost your energy. You have a good connection with the healing powers of the Air element of the 5th onwards. Getting out in the fresh air and just breathing deeply will be a delightful tonic. If you do here develop a health problem, check your love life and restore harmony there as quickly as you can.

Sagittarians are expensive kinds of people. They always want to expand, expand, expand. Grow, grow, grow. But since June 21, your 8th house has become highly strong, and now it’s all about cutting back – removing waste, removing the things that block expansion. It’s time to ‘de-clutter’ the life. Expansion will happen later on – after the 22nd – but until then paves the way.

Experience your possessions and take stock. Be that you holding onto things that you don’t use or need? Get rid of them. Do not allow too many old bank accounts? Old savings account? Too many credit cards? Close down the obsolete and excess. There are a time to breathe out and a time to breathe in. Until the 22nd, you’re in an ‘out breath’ period. Empty the lungs (figuratively speaking) so that the next in-breath will be filled and strong.

The 8th house is a question of dying and being reborn. This does not need to be taken too literally. In order to give birth to the person we want to be, we must die to the old one (or allow that an elderly person to perish). Birth and death are placed on two sides of the same coin. Nothing is created without some kind of death. This is a month where go deeper into these issues.

On the 22nd (and probably you will still smell the effects a bit earlier) the Sun enters your 9th house – Sagittarius’s natural territory. You become a ‘super Sagittarius’ that period. All your natural inclinations are reinforced. There are exotic travel, higher education and religious and philosophical breakthroughs. Much is written of Sagittarius’s love for travel – their love for the ‘jet set’ life. Not so much is prepared about their love for theology and philosophy. If one did a random survey of the ranks of the clergy, I would wager there would be a disproportionate percentage of Sagittarians there (or people concentrated in the sign). Underneath every ‘jet setter’ is a budding priest or minister.

Sagittarius July Horoscope 2017:Finances work correctly as the month begins – nothing special one way or another – but they get really nice on the 22nd onwards. Until 22nd use spares for cash to pay off any debts.

Sagittarius July Horoscope 2017

Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 15, 16, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 13, 14, 19, 20, 25, 26
Best Days for Love: 4, 10, 16, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29
Best Days for Money: 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 28, 29
Best Days for Career: 4, 16, 25, 26

Horoscope for July 2017 for each zodiac sign